The Pastor of Disaster

Not everyone’s  job history is squeaky-clean and badass.

Just because someone might have accidentally made pancakes with cleaning solvents at one job does not mean that they will make a horrible cook at the next.  Maybe they learned a thing or two.  I sure did.

When you are a church and looking to hire a pastor, you could probably overlook a thing or two as well.  Things like parking tickets, maybe a bad check or two, tax problems, or double murder.  You know, little things.

This really happened.  Read about it here:

This assfuck, John White, was hired to be the pastor of Christ Community Fellowship.  This is even more astounding when you consider that they knew of his prison past which was for the wondermous crimes of whacking an old lady and choking and stabbing a seventeen year old girl.  Nice.  Was there no better candidates for this job?  Did they get a shitload of resumes in and had to choose between the preacher that butt-rapes roadkill in front of school children, the nun-sodomizer, and this fuck?  What the hell?  How is this shit even an option?  This is like hiring a blind guy to be your limo driver.  Almost anyone, including a small child, would be a better choice.

I know they say that God works in mysterious ways, but if the ways of God involve stabbing teenage girls…well…maybe it’s time to get a different God.

Of course, Mr. White had repented of his murderous ways and was now a follower of Baby Jesus and had devoted the rest of his days to helping the community and doing good works.

Just kidding.  He beat a 24 year old woman to death with a mallet.  At least he can’t remember if he fucked the corpse or not.  On that last note, I have to call bullshit.  He remembers.  And if he is saying that he can’t remember if he played hide the precher-meat with body, than that tells me that he, without a doubt, violated the pelvis of the remains.  This guy needs to die with a gun in his mouth and a  dick in his ass.  A rhinoceros dick.

It gets worse.

After killing and disposing of Rebekha Gay, who incidentally was the daughter of his fiancée, Mr. Fucktard went back to the woman’s house.  Once there he dressed her son up in a Halloween costume and gave him a ride to his father.

When Rebekha Gay never showed back up to get her son, Paster Death called some of his flock to start a prayer chain for her safe return.  This is extra sick, since he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that this woman is frolicking in the afterlife and yet he has people engaging in prayer on her behalf.  Insane.

Read this twisted and fucking stupid ass quote from his friend:

“He was absolutely contrite.  All kinds of people turn around and meet the Lord and they are a different person. He was doing a lot of good in the community. … He was doing a lot of good and Satan did not want him doing good and Satan got to him.”

This is some retarded ass logic.  Satan had nothing to do with this.  John White chose to murder a woman.  No one forced him to do it.  He did this because it is who he is.  He has a history of killing women, why would he stop now?  I’m sure he was doing all kinds of great shit for the neighborhood, like getting rid of their pesky young women.  Forever.

Blaming this kind of behavior on an imaginary being is the ultimate cop-out.  The Jesus that Mr. White found was nothing more than a clever disguise, and one that he put to good use to capture his last victim.  He was not a different person, and he will never be a different person.  People that kill for pleasure are not going to stop.  They must be stopped.

I’m sure if Fred Phelps ever leaves Westboro Baptist…they would be more than happy to get this fuckjob to take over.

~ by millsap on November 3, 2012.

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