Call of Booty

Damn…where were these bitches when I was 15…hahaha.

So we have another case of a grown woman (by grown woman I mean 21 years old) sexually abusing a young boy (by young boy, I mean 14 years old).  How did they meet?  Was this a case of the boy fucking his teacher like we see every other week?  Nope, they met on the Playstation network playing Call of Duty.

Here is the link:–142464385.html

This shit pisses me off.

When I was that age, I think I had a copy of Super Metroid.  And while I liked that quite a bit, I think I would have enjoyed it more if some older woman would have come by the house to suck on my balls while I played it.  These kids have it FREAKING AWESOME now and I feel extremely ripped off.  My teachers never wanted me to give them a ride on the meat pony.  There was no girls to play Nintendo with on the Internet in hopes that they might want to put down the controller and come by for a facial.  Hell, for a large chunk of my childhood there was no Internet at all.  I knew one guy who got to bang his teacher and we were in college by then so I don’t think that really counted.  I do not believe video games were involved.

I think all the people that are making a huge fuss about this were probably never 14 year old boys.  This did not ruin this kids life…it fucking made it.  He will never forget this as long as he lives and will get to brag about it for all time.  The only abuse that took place was probably to this woman’s labia and/or throat.

Or at least he could have bragged about it if there was no internet to show people her boner-destroying face.  I feel bad for the boy now that I see her.

Not that I am condoning the behavior, but there is a big difference between an older woman/teenage guy and an older man/teenage girl scenario.  This could have been awesome if the chick was hot.

But she is not.

Oh God...

If you ask me, this poor kid has already suffered enough anyway.  People will wonder why this woman had to pick up a kid off of an internet game to get some action.  This is not a hard question to answer…have a look at her.


I realize that a mouth is a mouth…but that mouth is attached to something and when that something is the something pictured here, than the only thing that is going to be blasting out of a regular guys orifices is going to be a mixture of vomit and fear.  Of course, you know how teenage boys have stomachs of steel and can drink strange mixtures of shit like ketchup mixed with root beer.  I suppose that it is not a stretch of the imagination to extend that ability to their dicks as well.

Anyway, with that in mind…any of you single teen guys out there that need to get laid…you can find cougars on Call of Duty.  Good luck.

~ by millsap on March 13, 2012.

One Response to “Call of Booty”

  1. Gahh! This is actually a spring-like blast of freshness compared to the other sex scandals that’s been shoved in our faces by the news and other media.

    But the storyline still the same: ITS FREAKIN’ WRONG!!!

    Whether it’s adult male/child female or adult female/child male…. it don’t matter. WRONG IS WRONG. And damn, this was really, really, REALLY wrong!!!!!

    Perhaps Frothtonomy needs to capitalize and get the word out by producing more hooded sweatshirts that say, “Don’t Fuck Little Kids”. Perhaps then, there might be some kind of brain cell materializing in these heads, before they go and meet a child to get/give head.

    There are some points that I agree with. Since it was a male child, this guy is gonna sit back like he’s just received the Golden Dick Award. At that age, I was in A.D.I.D.A.S. mode! The 14 year old in Me would’ve wanted to track this kid down and ask him “hey, how’d you do it?”. But that kid inside is dead. (Thankfully)

    She has the balls of a walrus to be smiling in her mugshot too! Anyone else notice that in the profile shot? What a bitch! She’s got herself her own little trophy. She’s definitely not getting flooded with calls for dates on Friday and Saturday night either. Ughhh… This 14 year old boy must have thought “pussy is pussy”, and knew that the cure for ugly was turning off the lights. So she can rot in a cell for another half of her life and getting even more fugly. And the boy will probably write poetry and prose and blog about this for years to come.

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