Another Kick To The Overies Of Lady Liberty

That piece of patriotism that most of us have inside…the one that makes us proud to be an American. The one that is thankful for our freedoms… well, that part in me just started weeping blood.

I really did not think he would do this.

Of course nothing surprises me anymore.

Obama has signed the NDAA act into law INCLUDING the portions that allow American-FUCKING-Citizens to be detained FOR-THE-LOVE-OF-FUCKINGEVER with NO CHARGES. Holy fuck. Right here at home…wow.

You may be asking yourself, boys and girls, how you can experience this amazing new provision. Just do ANYTHING that could deem yourself an enemy of the United States.

“But, I’m not a terrorist” you say “so no sweat off my balls.” You are not now…but that is just a matter of point of view. What if you say that the President sucks a fat sack of dicks for doing this? Or write that in a blog? If they want too, they could say that you were trying to stir up an insurgency against the US and detain you forever. With no lawyer. Fuck.

This is another step toward the end of democracy. If this is not repealed, I suspect that all non-supportive government speech and print will be squelched out of fear. This is not a far cry from tyranny.

The scary part is…this bullshit is not theory. It is now law.

Better watch your step boys and girls…there’s a storm coming.

~ by millsap on January 2, 2012.

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