Frothy The Prophet (Or Harold Camping IS A Moron)

Well at least somebodies predictions came true today:  MINE.

For the second time on Frothtonomy I have proven to be a psychic prophet of future events.  It is now almost seven in the evening here in Houston, Tx and there has been no earthquake and no rapture.  Harold Camping is a stupid moron.

Need proof of my amazing powers?  Here is the post I wrote back in January of this year:

Now I will grant that many of you probably also shared this thought about the latest in doomsday cult fuck-ups, but there were several that bought into this bologna.  Even more were scared of the Camping Boogie-Man under the bed.  Every day since I made the post, my article on Harold Camping and why he is retarded was read multiple times.  As the so called end of the world date approached the amount of hits that that essay got went through the roof.  It is now the most wide-read thing I have written.

I feel bad for folks like Marie Exley.  What the fuck is she going to do now?  At least she did not choose to be led astray by the Heavens Gate cult, otherwise she would be be dead in addition to being a dumbass.  What of all the people that spent their life savings, quit their jobs, and told their non-believing families to go fuck themselves?  Can they sue Family Radio?  I doubt it, but maybe if they did these things would not happen as often.  Of course, if cult leaders were liable for spiritual malpractice then more of the cults would end up with the parishioners dead instead of bamboozled.

For those of you that pointed out the amount of cash the Mr. Camping was able to rake in over this escapade, I agree that in that aspect he was not a moron.  But…I think he believed this crap.  He wanted to be a prophet…not a profit.  But hey, at least he has something to show for the whole thing…unlike those that believed in him.

This makes me want to start a cult.  I, unlike Harold, would like to be a Prophet of Profit.  Also, unlike the aforementioned assclown, I have two succesful predictions in my corner.  Just call me Frothstadamas.  You can join the Church Of Froktar for a measly one time payment of $99.99.

I stand by my theological and logical debunking of Family Radio’s bullshit.  Always think for yourselves boys and girls.  Never believe anything without proof.  One person’s God is the next person’s Satan.  Are you really informed enough to decide which is which?  If you think that you are, ask yourself how you are.  Was it told to you by someone?  How did they know?  Chase the rabbit down the hole long enough and you just might find yourself having to ask if there ever really was a rabbit to begin with.

Eat, drink, and be merry…for tomorrow we die.

~ by millsap on May 21, 2011.

5 Responses to “Frothy The Prophet (Or Harold Camping IS A Moron)”

  1. Mr. Camping was very wrong. Jesus says he will come like a thief in the night. Im taking an apologetics class and are actually non-christian writings by historians (as well as christian writings) that support Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. There is a great book by Paul E. Little called Know Why You Believe. Everyone, no matter what they believe, should know exactly why they believe what they believe. My 2 cents. 🙂

    • I agree. No one should believe anything blindly. Your 2 cents is right on the money 🙂

  2. For God’s sake Harold, give those poor people their money back!

    Matthew 7:15 – “”Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”

  3. Man, you are a psychic! Camping is also a Jackwagon! Im glad to see your doing well my man. For what its worth to you..I miss you. Im so sorry about your dad. I just read about it in one of your blogs. Im proud to see you settle down. I hope she makes you happier than you’ve ever been!

    • Heath…whats up bro. I tried to track you down a couple of times but without success. I miss you too and would love to talk to you again sometime.

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