X-Box Live: Horrors Of The Moist Hole


Remember when people would tell you that you were never going to get laid staying home playing video games all day?

Well, they lied.

Of course you can’t be very picky about where you holster your dick if you can’t put down the controller long enough to meet a girl.  But imagine being thirteen again for a moment.  Is this how you want to remember losing your virginity?

Was she lobotomized???


The only thing that this woman makes me want to lose is the contents of my stomach.

Catch the article here:


So this woman met a thirteen year old boy, whom we shall call “Billy”, while chatting on X-Box Live.  The two began to exchange text messages and phone calls.  Eventually they also began to trade erotic videos.  This makes me doubt little Billy’s sanity.  It’s not like he did not know what he was getting into…literally.  Perhaps the idea of getting real feminine drool on his tool made him overlook the completely insane look on her face.

When Pedoslut, who was also married and mother of two, came down to Florida to visit relatives, she drove over to Maryland to bang the shit out of Billy a couple of times.  Things were going swell until Billy’s family found some “romantic” exchanges on his phone and questioned him about them.  The only thing he had to fear was the complete loss of any pride by admitting sex with Pedoslut, so he copped to it when questioned.  She, on the other hand, is looking at some serious charges.

I remember when we only had to worry about keeping an eye out for predators going after our daughters.  Except, of course, unless you were Catholic in which case the girls were safe and the boys were doomed to be fodder for sodomites.  Since when did we have to worry about strange 36 year old predator bitches going after our boys while they are playing Gran Turismo?

This gives irate mothers one more reason to keep video games away from the kids.  “Nope. Nope. Nope.  You better not play that game or you might end up raped like the Johnson boy down the way.”

Why did Pedoslut go after a young boy like this?  It can’t be the sex; even this bitch could have wandered into a bar and found somebody desperate enough to soil his meat wand in her fetid lovehole.  Why risk the criminal charges?  Heck, there are probably plenty of guys hung like two year olds out there so it can’t be a size issue.

Perhaps kids that young are the only ones that are inexperienced enough to not insist that she wear a bag over her head or turn out the lights prior to being able to pop a boner.

Need another reason to buy a PlayStation 3 over an X-Box 360:  Less rape.

~ by millsap on May 18, 2011.

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