Fred Phelps Returns…Somebody Needs To Kill This A-Hole @#$%

Yep…he’s back.  And this time he is even more stupid, fucked up, callous, cold blooded, and in desperate need of a lead salad than he has ever been before.

It was bad enough that this douche bag pastor and his flock of dipshits would protest the funerals of dead soldiers.  Than he protested Dio, but now…holy shit…now he wants to protest the funeral of the nine year old little girl that was killed in the Arizona shooting.  What the fuck.

I hate this dickweed.

There are few people that one considers to be truly evil.  Is Fred Phelps the closest thing our generation will get to see of a Hitler or a Stalin?  Think about it before you say that he is not as bad as those two historical madmen.  What is the difference?  What would things be like if Fred Phelps was in charge of a country at the decision making level?  Yep… all the gay people, non-baptists, soldiers, and of course metal heads and little girls would be carted off to the camps for execution.  Damn.  This brought to you by the same sinister mindset that allowed Christians to torture and kill all kinds of poor bastards in a little thing you might have heard of called “The Inquisition.”

This is getting out of hand, and fast.  This is not an exercise in free speech, but an attack.  Muslim extremists on the fringe of Islam expressed their belief in a physical attack on our country by flying planes into buildings.  Fred Phelps, a Protestant extremist, on the fringe of Christianity, expresses his beliefs by attacking the emotions and minds of people in their most desperate hour.  Why can he not be arrested and tried for crimes against all humanity?

I can not believe that no one has gone to Westboro and put a bullet in this guys skull.  It would be like saving the world.  I can not think of a more evil person than Fred Phelps and his continued existence and the opportunities he seeks to demean those whose names he is not even worthy to speak, makes my stomach churn and the bile rise up in the back of my throat.

If I was God… thousands of lightning bolts would have already blasted this ball-licking fuckass right in his microscopic penis at least 239,456,789,146 times.

They say that bikers will be there to help and this is awesome.  Why cant the bikers go to Westboro and pay a visit to Mr. Phelps… that might save everybody some time in the end.

To the families of the Arizona shooting… “I’m so very sorry that this horrid thing took place.  I am also so very sorry that you will have to endure the attacks of Mr. Phelps and his ilk.  I hope that all of you will be able to find peace somehow through everything that has transpired.”



Wow…that did not take very long.  Right after going to press two exciting things happened.  Check it out.


Awesome.  Too heroes here.  Arizona for banning picketing at funerals (I never thought the government could pass legislation that fast…why can’t they do this on a billion other problems that we have).  The other is 102.1 The Edge radio station in Toronto, Canada for bribing Mr. Phelps to skip the funeral protest in exchange for some radio time.

Thank you guys, both the radio station and the State of Arizona for helping out here.  And hey…maybes some bikers paid Mr. Phelps a visit too…you never know.

~ by millsap on January 12, 2011.

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