Bangor Bitch

This news story comes from the Bangor Daily…but I can guarantee you that the guy in this story did not.  I mean, look at this bitch:

Oh God...Burn it with Fire


Even the chewy taffy candy in the counter here at the track does not get as close to being as soft as this picture makes me.  Oh yeah…you probably want the link:,163349

So Fugly-Butt stabs her husband because he “drove her nuts.”  Hell, she probably drove him to impotence, nausea, and suicidal thoughts at the smallest notion of physical intamacy…and I don’t read about how the man carved out her ovaries with an ice cream scoop.  This does not seem to be a fair deal here.

I wonder if it went down like the lady that stabbed her man for not being able to take care of her sexually (remember this:

It is doubtful though, because the article says he drove her nuts not that he did not give her his nuts.

The lamest part of this story is that the bitch is out on $1500 bail.  If a guy had stabbed his wife for driving him nuts there would be NO FUCKING BAIL at all.  They would throw the book at him…what the fuck.

At least the man can sleep comfortably knowing that he will never, even under the worst of conditions, have to consider placing his penis anywhere near that fugly old woman….and at least he did not get stabbed in the dick.

~ by millsap on January 8, 2011.

One Response to “Bangor Bitch”

  1. Lorena Bobbitt.. thou art NOT! She wins second prize.

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