Nothing Says Love Like A Crowbar To The Ballz

O.K. boys and girls…try to imagine this. 

You are an old geezer fuck, sitting in front of the T.V., scratching your ballz and waiting for your wife to get home from work.  It suddenly occurs to you that you have used up all the chocolate syrup in the fridge and can no longer make chocolate milk.  Your wife is at work…you know she is a total bitch and will squirt an army of rabid labradors out of her southmouth if she gets home and you are not here…but you want a glass of chocolate milk.  You fought in the Korean War dammit…you deserve that milk.  Hmmm…oh yeah, you could leave a note.  When that heinous bitch…er…your loving wife got home, she could see the note that you went to the grocery store and would not freak out.  You leave the note and bail.

Of course when you get home, she bashes you in the ballbag over and over and over again with a crowbar.  Repeatadly…and without mercy.  Then she whacks you one over the head.

Think that this could not happen to you…read this:

My scenario above that you just read was only a guess as to what happened.  Why do I not know?  The journalist did not mention what the old man’s note said.  I wonder what it said that could make this woman fly off into such a rage that she would assault his lovepouch like this.  Here is a pic of this stellar looking woman.

Hmmm, after looking at this picture I can only imagine what the note said.  Probably something like:

“Look, the Viagra is not going to work…we need to try getting you some plastic surgery for your face…I’m stepping out to meet with a doctor for you.  See you later”


“I’m tired of throwing up in my mouth every time I contemplate sex with you…so I decided to fuck your sister instead.  Don’t wait up.”


You said tonight was going to be our special night of passionate love.  I can no longer live with this thought, and I’m going out to buy a gun to end it all.  When I get back…I will embrace death…which is way sexier than you…bitch.”

I mean…FUCK…I would rather hit myself in the scrotum with a crowbar than sleep with that thing.  Who is this lady…Smegal’s Grandmother.  Hopefully this man will recover, though if he plans to stay with that…uhh…woman (and I use that term in the loosest possible way), he might be better off not making it.

In closing…if you plan on leaving a note that will turn your mate into a rage afflicted psychopath with plans on mutilating your family jewels…perhaps sending her a text message and then never coming home again would be a better plan.

~ by millsap on September 1, 2010.

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