Pay Your Bill Or We Will Blow Your House To Smithereens

Uhhh,..and I thought my Cricket provider kind of sucked donkey balls.  At least I do not have Verizon.

Those of you that have been following my blog may remember my concerns about the new powers that have been awarded to credit card companies to enforce their debt collection practices.  If you have forgotten about the new wage garnishment bullshit, then refresh your memory with my post on it found here:

Of course, I would rather face wage garnishment and possible incarceration than have my “mother fucking house blown up.”  This is exactly the threat that Al Burrows, of my hometown of Las Cruces N.M., received from…not a terrorist…but fucking Verizon Wireless.  WTF?!

I am not exaggerating…read the article right here:

Poor Mr. Burrows.  The thing about this that really laps my bag is that the phone bill is not even is this guy’s name.  It belonged to a relative of his that I suppose was staying with him.  That is majorly fucked up.  First, you go out of your way and let some douche from your family that is down on his/her/its luck crash at your pad and then you get stuck with the wrath of the bill collectors hunting him/her/it down.  It’s a fucking cell phone…not a land line.  Cell phones mean that the people move around with them…how can you tie it down to one street address?  This is like me tying my testicles to the back of somebodies bass boat at the beach and then getting pissed off when the boat hauls ass and rips them off.  What did I think the boat was going to do?  Stay in one place forever…fucking retarded.

And who teaches this kind of customer service at Verizon?  The article states that the collection division had been harassing  this poor bastard with calls that were too numerous to count.  Finlay, he hangs up on Verizon and they call him back, tell him they know where he lives and that they are going to blow up his house.  Is this the corporate version of “taking your football and going home.”  “We’re gonna teach you fuckbag…pay us or be homeless…oh and you will still owe the bill…even though it is not your bill.” 

I had Verizon once…and if I remember right it wasn’t all that.  Granted it was better than Cricket, but there were still times when calls got dropped or places where I did not get a very good signal.  What would have happened if I called customer care and said “Hey, everytime I’m at practice my phone won’t get any service.  I pay you assclowns over sixty bucks a month for service and I need some god damn service.  I know where your corporate office is, and if I don’t have four fucking bars of signal in the next fifteen minutes, I’m gonna blow up your headquarters.  And then I’m going to find and sodomize your grandmother.  And if your grandmother is already dead…I’m gonna dig up her corpse and sodomize whatever is left of it.”  I have no doubt that I would be thrown in jail for making a terrorist threat if I were to do that (though it sounds like a fun thing to do (the call…not jail)).

Al has filed a lawsuit against Verizon, and I hope he wins.  This kind of crap is intolerable… the judge needs to stomp on the proverbial nutsack of Verizon Wireless until it pops like a squeezed, ripened grape.

Oh, you did not pay your phone bill...say goodbye to your house fucker

~ by millsap on May 28, 2010.

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