Another Stab Wound Into Lady Liberty’s Nipples

I believe that I am witnessing the beginning of a very scary bait-and-switch move by our government.  (Damn…that sounded like a conspiracy nut…haha).

Check out this article and see if you can spot the danger:

What this law states is that now the government can hold prisoners convicted for sexual predator crimes longer than their sentences.  This is done to protect us and our children from these folks who will certainly offend again.  On the surface, and definitely if you are a parent, this sounds great.  Hell no we do not want former Catholic priests and other douchebags slapping our children with their perverted, disease ridden, meat shafts. 

The worrisome part of this boys and girls is the potential for this to become a gateway law.  Sometimes making the mental jump from point A to point F is impossible.  We can instantly see that point F stands for “point Fucked Forever” and we do not want to be there.  So instead, we go to point B and from there to point C and before you know it we are fucked right there at point fuck.

Sure we all hate pedophile fucks.  We hate terrorists too.  I could easily see that enemies of the state convicted for terrorism also hit by a law like this.   And why not?  It is perfectly reasonable to not want these assholes to ever see the light of day.  So what happens if our government becomes a little bit more socialistic?  What happens when other crimes, maybe ones not quite as evil like tax evasion, mark you an enemy of the state?  Uh-oh…your constitutional rights just disappeared.

This kind of law is dangerous.  It brings back the area of French prisons and towers like Henry VIII had where people were locked away forever for bullshit.  What happens when it becomes too expensive to hold all these people and we start executing them?  Perhaps we should, and maybe they should die…but does that not turn us from a democracy to a police state?  Is not the freedoms so many have died for worth the prices we have to pay to take responsiblity for much of our own security?

You may ask why I think that this law is going to be used as a gateway for lamer shit later… and my reason is this.  It would be much simpler, and harder to abuse a law that simply stated that crimes involving pedophilia were now to be treated like capital murder and offenders sentenced to a minimum of life in prison with no possibility of parole or death.  That keeps “dangerous motherfuckers” away from our children and does not shred the constitution.  When we sentenced these assholes, no matter how bad the crime, we passed judgement.  We can not change that judgement at the last minute.  It is evil.  It is wrong.  It is NOT DEMOCRATIC.  IT IS THE ACTIONS OF DICTATORSHIP.  Two wrongs do not make a right…but it makes it easier to be wrong to you later when you don’t pay your court costs on time. 

If they really cared about our children then people that hurt kids would be executed.  It is as simple as that.  This is about eroding liberty.  When this law gets misused in a few years, I’ll write about it and reference this post.

Remember the words of Benjamin Franklin.  This founding mother fucker had his shit wired tight when he said:

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

The America that we know is changing….better pay attention or you just might wake up in a whole new world one morning…and won’t that suck ballz boys and girls.

~ by millsap on May 17, 2010.

2 Responses to “Another Stab Wound Into Lady Liberty’s Nipples”

  1. This is definitely something to keep an eye on, i already don’t like the way you can hold terrorism suspects for longer without trial. I think a terrorism trial should take priority over many other trials and so should be taken care of asap, if they really are THAT dangerous. I am definitely going to follow this Blog in the hope you keep me up to date on chilling changes like this, as i don’t live in the USA i don’t hear much about the smaller stories, but as i can see these can often be more important. Peace from AbcAnarchy.

    • Thanks for reading. You are right that the smaller stories are usualy the ones to watch. If something really crazy happened in a big way it would be harder to pull a fast one on folks without a huge public outcry. Chip away at a boulder long enough with a soup spoon and it can be destroyed…it just takes awhile.

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