Sometimes It Is Black And White

I wish I had something cute to say but I can't think of a @#$%in thing...holy crap

If the fiance of Mia Washington had any suspicions that she was banging some other dude behind his back…he does not have them anymore. 

I remember hearing about this kind of shit in Human Growth and Development during my Psych major years in college.  Sometimes after becoming impregnated a woman will still release another egg during her next cycle.  Of course if she is taking a protein shot to the crotch from a strangers meat syringe… well hilarity will ensue (for us anyway).

This is fucking awesome.  Mia says that she is going to tell the children about their “differences” when they are old enough to comprehend.  Like you are going to have to tell them “Oh yeah…by the way, one of you is black.”  Way to go captain fucking obvious.  What she should tell them is “Well, I was fucking around and Baby Jesus decided to punish me for being a slut.  But, don’t worry…I could have swallowed one of you like I did with all the other dudes.  Aren’t you glad I did not digest you?  Show some fucking gratitude you little bastards. Damn.”

What I want to know is… what if the fiance would have married this homebreaking wench before the babies were born.  Would the kid that is not his be a bastard or a half-bastard.  I think that a minority half-bastard growing up in white suburbia might be cause for some teasing at school.  Hmmm…. so fucking weird.  If I was the fiance I would have the kids tested because there is a good chance that the dick-hungry whore of a mother might have been nailing countless folks and he might not be responsible at all.

Can she collect child support from both of these poor fucks? 

Here is the link to the article with a video:

For being a black and white situation there seems to be quite a bit of grey area.  Too bad she did not fuck a St Bernard as well…. then the kids could have a puppy to play with.

~ by millsap on May 16, 2010.

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