The $5,000 Dollar Finger

Hahahahahaha.  Not ONLY did this fine upstanding person flip off a cop….he got FIVE GRAND from the city for it.

Check it out:

Some poor schmuck gets pulled over for running a stop sign and the officer gives him a ticket.  He does the all american thing and flips off the cop.  The cop tries to step on his boner about the whole thing and the man ends up getting a $5,000 dollar payday from the city.  The city says that they are going to make sure that officers learn that taking that kind of abuse is in their job description.

This is awesome.  I think I would like to change careers from bass playing loser to “PIG FLIPPER” (what a great job tittle).  It would not be a bad gig at all.  Hell, at one cop a day for five days a week I could clear 1.2 million a year.

If I was really feeling like making some cash, I could run into a donut shop with both hands shooting the bird and probably offend twenty to thirty cops at once.  At worst case that would pay out to $100 grand in like sixty seconds of work.  Even lawyers would have to take note of that kind of pay.

Sign me up….I’ve been flipping dumbasses off for years so I’m quite proficient at it.

~ by millsap on April 16, 2010.

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