When “Show And Tell” Goes To Hell

I remember enjoying “Show and Tell” at elementary school when I was a little boy.  Sometimes the shit people would bring in would get downright bizzare.  I was not immune to the insanity either. 

One year I brought the remains of Hermey 5000.  This was my pet Tarantula that I found stuck in the screen door.  I thought he looked cold one morning so I microwaved the whole jar, and of course, that brought about the explosive demise of my pet (I guess I should have poked holes in him with a fork first).  After the trauma had passed and I was able to walk again (Mom was not too impressed by this little stunt), I took the jar to school.  This did not go over very well because, as I was showing my teacher, I dropped the jar and it broke…hahaha.  Oops.

I guess kids are smarter now than they used to be.  Check out what this little entrepeneur  in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania did.  He brought 80 bags of heroin to school to give away as free samples.  A tried and true marketing ploy proven to work time and time again.  Think I’m making that up….read for yourself:


This is not just evil.  It is exhuming the decaying corpse of Mother Theresa for purposes of necrophilia in a bathtub full of holy water evil.  But I don’t think it was the eight year old little boy who was being evil…. it was whoever allowed this child access to that amount of drugs.  And not just any drug…not Mom’s prescription hydrocodones or big brother’s dimebag of weed but FUCKIN’ HEROIN….SWEET JESUS.  $800 dollars worth of HEROIN.

Not that any quantity of drugs is an appropriate thing for a child to come across, but jacking a bottle of Mom’s pills out of the medicine cabinet does not scream neglect to me.  It screams… beat that ass when you get the little bastard home.  But for anyone to have access to that amount of such a heavy drug means that there is some serious shit going down on the home front.  Either that or the kid has the same ailment as Gary Coleman, and he is not eight but rather forty-one and is there to destin all your rugrats to the methadone clinics.

I remember when the worst thing kids had to worry about was some assfuck taking their lunch money. 

It’s a beautiful world.


~ by millsap on April 14, 2010.

One Response to “When “Show And Tell” Goes To Hell”

  1. ” It is exhuming the decaying corpse of Mother Theresa for purposes of necrophilia in a bathtub full of holy water evil”?!?!?! fucking great!!

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