Sorrow My Name

The new album is now here

Wow.  The new Well Of Souls album “Sorrow My Name” is now available.  This is a very big moment for me because it is the first time that I have appeared on a full length album playing only the NSSTICK.  Freaking moist.

If you are not familiar with this band, you will find it different from Six Minute Century.  It is still very, very cool though so don’t allow yourself to get all prog-snobby about it until you hear it.  I have found that playing the doom metal gives me quite a bit more freedom to explore alternate sonic textures and layers that would be much harder to fit into technical prog metal.  I play top to bottom on this record instead of left to right.

There are portions of the album, “The Pain’s Not Forgotten” in particular, that you swear that you are hearing synths in the background.  You are not, it is me.  The synth sound is created by running the higher side of the NSSTICK through a Fractal guitar processor while the lower side gets the main bass line tapped out on it.  Really cool stuff…and yes…I was able to recreate this live.

You can buy this record from many places, but here is a link to

Wow…it is only $6.93 from amazon!!!  You can’t even talk a street walking gutter-slut into cramming your testicles down her esophagus for that.  So…no excuse…go buy the damn thing.

If you need some more convincing, here is the teaser trailer I made for the album  (or watch it on youtube here:  Enjoy.

~ by millsap on October 10, 2012.

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